November Forecast

Hello November
October was a power packed month of shifts, change, spiritual death and rebirth and clearing the static, thanks to Eclipse seasons heightened energy. November brings a softer energy through a variety of astrological changes with significant influence from the positions of Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury which will be reflected not only in our individual lives but also societal and collectively. Jupiter symbolizes growth and luck, while Saturn represents responsibility and reality and their alignments encourage us to pursue our dreams and remain grounded. Uranus continues his retrograde, the planet of revolution, progress and rebellion, in Taurus, which will continue to cause unexpected changes, so keep taking healthy steps towards growth. As we are in Scorpio season, it is a perfect time to engage in cord-cutting rituals to help you release anything lingering before we step into Sagittarius season and Mercury’s final retrograde. cord-cutting ceremonies are powerful spiritual practices used to release energetic ties or attachments that no longer serve your highest good. These cords can be emotional, mental, or energetic connections between you and other people, situations, or even past versions of yourself. The goal of a cord-cutting ritual is to free yourself from unhealthy attachments, negative influences, or toxic relationships so you can move forward with clarity, peace, and freedom. It is VITAL to ensure you have done the inner work and healing before engaging in cord cutting. If you are still emotionally “tied” to a person/situation/experience when you do a cord cutting ceremony it can create an even stronger attachment, so, please make sure you don't just jump into it without thought, preparation and healing. Cord cutting is a final step, so to speak, after the inner work has been done and not a “cure all” to rushing the process of healing
*Interested in a cord cutting workshop? Click here.
Venus’ movement this month will enhance love and financial matters particularly mid month with her alignment with Jupiter which increases romantic and financial opportunities. Mercury remains in Scorpio until November 2nd, which rules over a Jupiter retrograde in Gemini and Jupiter retrogrades are very much aligned with shrinkage over expansion, normally Jupiter is about expanding, growing the new through wisdom especially in Gemini but with the Jupiter retrograde it has been a process of slimming down, understanding less is more. And because Mercury is in Scorpio until November 2nd, be prepared to let go, think about everything you've been through, the spiritual death and rebirth periods, as now we are guided or pushed to release people, places, things, jobs, friendships, relationships, and outdated aspects of self. Are you ready to be done and truly move forward? Because with November 2nd energy things will lighten up, which is very opposite to the normal energy of Scorpio and Jupiter retrograde.
With Pluto and Capricorn finishing up a 16 year transit, we have a big chapter ending, so as we approach November 2nd, we're bringing in the new life through a turn around moment, where we learn to say goodbye to what no longer serves and not being the same person we were. Taking time to focus and being in the here and now is key!. You may have to sit with the energy of release and find comfort in the uncomfortable, especially with Mars and Cancer ruling over part of Scorpio and Mercury transits. It is a liberating and freeing time, especially if you have had a lot of ancestral healing over the past 16 years with the Pluto and Capricorn energy and feelings of being stuck or not being able to get out of unhealthy patterns. That energy is done and that chapter is closed, allowing for the new, it's a rebuilding time and being grateful and allowing transformation with new energy and new life to enter. We have come out of a deep eclipse season with a lot of heaviness over the past 6 months or longer. Now let your new life come through! By the end of Scorpio season Pluto will have returned to Aquarius until 2044 offering a final chapter feeling which is an energy of spiritual death and rebirth as we are quickly shifting and integrating this new life energy.
We have been transitioning from a carbon based body to a crystalline based body as we shift into a higher frequency as this is part of our journey. Our bodies are traditionally made of carbon which is dense and suited for the physical world (3D) but as we ascend spiritually our bodies begin to shift to a crystalline structure, causing ascension symptoms. Our shift into a crystalline structure allows us to hold higher frequencies of energy and allows us to connect more deeply with our higher selves and the Divine. This shift involves changes at the cellular level as our DNA is being activated in new ways, allowing us to access higher dimensions of consciousness which cause physical symptoms. This is a sign your body is adapting to its crystalline form as this is a physical, emotional and energetic transformation. We have been experiencing intense emotional release as old outdated patterns and traumas are cleared, which is a necessary part of the process of unbecoming and becoming as we create more room for higher frequencies to integrate. It is important to be gentle and loving with yourself as emotions arise and compassionate to others as not everyone is aware or open. We must recognize the Earth is also moving into a higher frequency, as we are all part of the ascension process whether aware of it or not, as this is a collective movement and transition for all beings of Earth. It is important to engage in things that support your transformation such as mediation, grounding, breathwork, energy healing, spending time in nature, listening to your body, staying hydrated, drink herbal teas, eat clean, fast, and detox to help ease the symptoms for this profound change to help stabilize your body through this transition. Trust, know, believe and be open to change, release resistance to what is happening, step into your authentic self, surround yourself with knowers and believers, release doubts and limitations!
If you allow the 3D mind to run the show you will struggle more as it puts up resistance to change and the magick of this ascension. It's not about making sense of it, it's about embracing it and opening your heart to the fullness of who you are and who you have come here to be.
Many of us are on a 5D timeline and there has been a lot of discussion in the “spiritual community” about whether 5D was a physical place and with the information I receive, it is both energetic and physical. 5D is a higher consciousness that we have been aligning with through the inner work we have been doing, the healing and releasing. In the 5D we feel insulated in a place of utopia but can still be the observers of the 3D timeline through a “looking glass” (social media, news, others who have not ascended yet, our phones). The Universal rules of frequency exist no matter where we are so it's important to continue to work on your own energetic field and continue to grow and expand yourself spiritually. This process is very different from the ways in which we have to heal through the 3D as we are in a place of higher consciousness and empowerment, so as we continue to work on ourselves it is with knowledge, wisdom, love and trust. Hold your light and be the change in the world. You can’t want something and live the way you wish, if you don't truly believe in it, if you dream it and desire it, it already exists, but you have to get out of your own way in order to experience it in your human existence.
We are in a place of convergence but it is still about free will and being conscious of what life you are choosing for yourself. You must ask yourself some thoughtful questions as to what life you want to choose for yourself, what relationships you want to choose, what experiences, thoughts, emotions etc., as you are now laying the foundation for the next “season”. What we decide in this moment is key to how and when things unfold; are they unfolding in new, healthy, abundant ways or are you repeating outdated patterns. It is all up to you, you are the writer of your play, the director of your movie and hold the pen in writing your novel. Your inner work and healing have taken the driver's seat to your evolution, expansion and ascension and this now supports your new beginnings. When we choose love, to love ourselves unconditionally through our own inner work, we have in turn chosen to be in Divine alignment with our inner Source (authentic selves). Mindfulness is key as we fully step into a place of opportunities, new beginnings, harmony, inner peace and so much more, however, this has to come through your energy. As within, so without. It is important to remember we are an extension of Source (God/Universe/Allah/Jah etc.), and it's all about what you choose to feel; do you trust, believe, know you are infinite power; do you allow yourself to step away from the things (people, relationships, situations, thoughts etc.), that are not aligned with the life you are creating for yourself; are you willing to believe in order to see; are you allowing what needs to be released to go; are you taking care of your body, mind, heart and energy; these are so important questions you need to ask yourself in order to descend into your highest timeline.
This is an ideal time for meditation, breathing exercises, visualization, grounding, turning inwards, and mindful living overall as at the end of the day, the choice is yours in how you see yourself, the world we live in and what you anchor your human experiences into (3D or 5D).

Now, let's talk about November. November is linked to number 11 in the calendar year, in numerology and spiritual aspects, 11 is considered a powerful "Master Number". 11 carries deep spiritual significance, intuition, enlightenment, and a call to higher consciousness and unlike most numbers, which are reduced to a single digit in numerology, Master Numbers like 11 remain as two-digit numbers because of their unique vibrational frequency. 11 is seen as a gateway to higher states of awareness and spiritual awakening and is associated with an "open doorway" to higher consciousness, guiding us toward spiritual insights and truths. It is highly intuitive and is often connected with many things like heightened psychic abilities, clairvoyant or empathic abilities, alignment and synchronicity, aligns with personal truth and spiritual growth (soul's purpose), and duality and balance. Seeing 11, or repeated 11s (like 11:11), is considered a sign from the universe or spirit guides to pay attention to your thoughts, feelings, or surroundings. This synchronicity suggests alignment with your soul path or guidance toward fulfilling your highest purpose. 11 contains a duality, as it’s made up of two ones standing side by side and symbolizes balance, like yin and yang or masculine and feminine energies pushing us to find balance between the physical and spiritual realms. 11 is a powerful number for intention setting and creating one's reality as it's a reminder that thoughts are powerful and that focusing on positive intentions can help manifest dreams into reality (what we think about we bring about). Encountering 11:11 repeatedly is seen as a sign that one is in alignment with their soul's purpose and receiving divine guidance, trusting in a higher purpose, encouraging you to trust your path, remain positive, and stay open to spiritual growth, which is the overall theme for November 2024.
In the astrological calendar November relates to the number 10 and is viewed as a symbol of completion, new beginnings, potential, and the integration of spiritual lessons. 10 combines the energies of 1 and 0, making it a powerful figure that often points to both individuality and connection to the divine. 10 symbolizes the end of a cycle and the start of a new one and marks the culmination of lessons learned and experiences gathered, signaling a time to let go of the past and welcome fresh beginnings with trust, confidence and optimism. 10 is associated with potential, creative power with the energy of 1 (creation, leadership) combined with 0 (infinite possibilities), 10 is seen as a number of manifestations, where one’s thoughts and actions significantly shape reality. 0 is associated with spiritual connection, symbolizing the divine, infinite source, universal energy and when combined with 1, it’s guidance from a higher power or alignment with divine timing and purpose. This connection encourages trust in the journey and faith in the universe's plan. 10 reflects the cyclical nature of life, where each end also represents a new beginning inviting reflection on what has been learned in previous cycles and encourages forward movement with renewed energy and purpose. 10 is also considered a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds serving as a reminder to integrate and balance the spiritual (energetic self), into everyday life, finding harmony between the material world and spiritual aspirations. Seeing the number 10 repeatedly is a message to embrace a new chapter, trust in the current cycle’s completion and encourages us to focus on the bigger picture, seek alignment and trust the process of becoming.
Numbers 10 and 11 are associated with Capricorn and Aquarius due to their positions in the zodiac signs. 10 corresponds with Capricorn, the tenth sign of the zodiac, ruled by Saturn and the energy aligns with ambition, discipline, resilience, progress and a strong sense of responsibility. 11 is associated with Aquarius, the eleventh sign of the zodiac, ruled traditionally by Saturn and modernly by Uranus. Aquarius is known for forward-thinking, innovative, and humanitarian approach, which aligns well with the mystical and high-vibrational nature of the Master Number 11 in numerology. Aquarius's visionary qualities of humanitarianism, intuition, visionary ideas and desire to bring about social progress and innovation are an added push for us to be the frequency of our highest and greatest good.
In tarot, the numbers 10 and 11 hold unique meanings tied to cycles, transformation, mastery, and higher consciousness, representing pivotal points in spiritual journeys and offer insights into growth and deeper understanding. 10 in Tarot represents The Wheel of Fortune (10th Major Arcana Card), representing cycles, fate, and the constant changes in life. It symbolizes the ups and downs that are part of life’s journey and often suggests that a shift or new chapter is on the horizon. It carries themes of karma, destiny, and the turning of fate, reminding us that while some things are beyond our control, we always have the power to respond and grow, pushing us to embrace the lessons we’ve learned, let go of the past, and take positive intention toward a new beginning. Accept and embrace life’s cycles, and be prepared for new opportunities and shifts as this card generally signals a turning point, where a phase has ended, and something new is set to begin, be open and receiving while letting go control of the uncontrollable.
In the Minor Arcana 10’s represent completion and the final stage of each suit’s journey and carry the themes of culmination and a transition to something new.
- Wands represent the element of Fire; Themes: Passion, creativity, inspiration, action, ambition; Life Aspects: Wands are associated with energy, drive, willpower, and personal growth. This suit often reflects career, aspirations, creative projects, and the pursuit of goals. It deals with what fuels us and the actions we take to make ideas a reality fostering things like motivation, confidence, transformation, and spontaneity.
Ten of Wands: Represents burdens, hard work, or feeling overwhelmed. It’s a completion of a cycle where responsibilities may feel heavy, but the end is near.
Cups represent the element of Water; Themes: Emotions, intuition, relationships, empathy; Life Aspects: Cups are associated with feelings, emotional experiences, and connections with others. This suit speaks to matters of the heart, relationships, love, friendships, and spiritual insights. It also represents our inner world, intuition, and the unconscious.
- Ten of Cups: Symbolizes emotional fulfillment, happiness, and contentment, especially in relationships and family. It’s a harmonious completion in love and emotional well-being.
Swords represent the element Air; Themes: Intellect, thoughts, truth, conflict, clarity; Life Aspects: Swords represent the mind, logic, clarity, justice, and communication. This suit is often associated with challenges, decision-making, justice, and the quest for truth. It reveals how we think, perceive, and handle conflict or problem-solving.
- Ten of Swords: Often signifies painful endings, betrayal, or feeling defeated. It marks the conclusion of a difficult situation, with the potential for healing and renewal.
Pentacles represent the element: Earth; Themes: Material aspects, work, stability, health, abundance; Life Aspects: Pentacles are connected to the physical world, including work, finances, health, growth, and material wealth. This suit speaks to groundedness, practicality, and the results of hard work and perseverance. It also symbolizes our relationship with nature and our physical surroundings.
- Ten of Pentacles: Reflects material wealth, legacy, family success, and stability. It represents completion and abundance in the material realm.
The Major Arcana in Tarot, 11 represents the Justice card, symbolizing balance, fairness, truth, and accountability representing a call to weigh decisions carefully, seek alignment with truth, and understand the consequences of your actions (it often depicts a figure with scales, emphasizing moral choices and ethical integrity). It also represents Strength (in some decks, with Justice as the 8th), and represents inner courage, patience, and the power of compassion over force. It encourages us to find resilience and confidence within ourselves to handle life’s challenges with confidence and trust. Taking time to find strength within, be patient, and approach situations with compassion rather than aggression
In the Minor Arcana, the Knights are often associated with the number 11, as they follow the Ten and act as the first "new" stage in each suit after completion. Knights are dynamic figures, symbolizing movement, action, and the pursuit of goals within each suit.
- Knight of Wands: Represents passion, adventure, and impulsive action. It encourages boldness and exploration but cautions against recklessness.
- Knight of Cups: Symbolizes romance, idealism, and emotional quests. It points to following one’s heart and the pursuit of dreams.
- Knight of Swords: Represents decisiveness, logic, and action, often in pursuit of intellectual or justice-driven goals. It can also signal impulsivity in thought or speech.
- Knight of Pentacles: Signifies hard work, dedication, and a steady approach. This knight moves methodically toward long-term goals, emphasizing patience and practicality.

November 1st; New Moon in Scorpio
The New Moon in Scorpio signifies a powerful time for deep introspection, transformation, and emotional release with Scorpio's intense mysterious energy focusing on rebirth, making this an excellent time for shedding old patterns and embracing profound inner change. Scorpio is associated with hidden emotions, secrets, and shadow work and with this New Moon it offers an opportunity to confront and release deeply rooted fears, traumas, or patterns that may be holding you back, promoting emotional healing, renewal and new beginnings. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and regeneration, and this energy encourages a spiritual "rebirth" by letting go of what no longer serves you. It’s a time to examine aspects of yourself that need transformation and embrace a fresh start aligned with your true self and highest timeline. This has to be done through a conscious choice as we all have free will and this urges a deeper connection with your authentic self, encouraging you to reclaim your power and set intentions that resonate with your soul’s desires. It’s an ideal time for manifesting goals that align with personal integrity and passion, renewal and rebirth. Scorpio is also a sign of empowerment and personal truth with connection to the mysterious and unseen, heightening intuition during time. Spiritual practices like meditation, journaling, or energy work can reveal insights and open pathways to intuitive wisdom and are excellent for diving into spiritual studies, exploring metaphysical topics, and connecting with your higher self.
November 2nd; Mercury enters Sagittarius
When Mercury enters Sagittarius, it brings a shift in how we think, communicate, and seek information. Mercury, the planet of communication, intellect, and travel, moving into the sign of Sagittarius, marks a period where conversations, learning, and ideas expand with a focus on big-picture thinking, optimism, and exploration. Sagittarius is all about seeing the world from a broader perspective and when Mercury is in this sign, there's a natural pull toward seeking meaning, understanding larger concepts, and exploring philosophical ideas. It’s a great time to focus on personal growth, study subjects that inspire curiosity, and connect with others over big ideas. Sagittarius is known for being straightforward and honest and under this influence, people tend to communicate more openly and candidly, sometimes even bluntly. This energy encourages honest conversations and the courage to speak from the heart, though it’s wise to be mindful of tact and sensitivity to avoid misunderstandings. Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, the planet of optimism, expansion, and adventure and Mercury in Sagittarius can inspire a more optimistic mindset, making us curious about diverse cultures, different perspectives, and unique ideas. It’s an ideal time for travel, both physically and intellectually, as well as for activities that broaden one’s horizons, like studying or exploring spirituality. Mercury in Sagittarius encourages us to think expansively, communicate openly, and embrace growth through new experiences and ideas. It’s a time of adventure, optimism, and honest expression, making it perfect for breaking out of old mental ruts and embracing a fresh, expansive perspective.
November 3rd; Mars enters Leo
When Mars enters Leo it is a dynamic and creative energy in which the energies of action, passion, and self-expression are heightened. Mars, the planet of drive, assertiveness, and energy, in the vibrant sign of Leo brings a unique spiritual significance that emphasizes courage, creativity, and a desire for recognition. Mars in Leo encourages us to step into our authentic power and embrace confidence and supports confident self-expression, motivating you to pursue passions fearlessly. It’s a great time to focus on personal empowerment, setting healthy boundaries, and nurturing your desires and needs. This transit inspires courage and boldness in pursuing what you want through the fiery energy of Leo, take risks, express your ideas, and show up authentically. Leo energy brings a playful and joyful approach to life, allow this transit to help you reconnect with your inner child and find joy in self-expression through engaging in playful activities, hobbies, or adventures that are spiritually enriching and restorative.
November 11th; Venus enters Capricorn; 11:11 portal
November 11th Venus enters Capricorn coinciding with the 11:11 portal, creating a powerful alignment bringing together themes of love, relationships, values, and ambition, amplified by the numerological significance of 11:11, which is often seen as a portal for manifestation and spiritual awakening. Venus in Capricorn emphasizes stability, commitment, and practicality in relationships and encourages a grounded approach to love, focusing on long-term goals and mutual support. This placement often highlights the importance of building a solid foundation in partnerships and relationships. Capricorn is a sign associated with ambition and success while Venus in this sign invites reflection on personal values and how they align with career aspirations and material goals. It’s a time to assess what you truly value in both relationships and your professional life, fostering an emotionally mature approach to love and relationships, emphasizing authenticity, loyalty, and responsibility. It’s about cultivating connections that withstand the test of time and require authenticity, transparency, effort and dedication. The number 11 is considered a master number in numerology, representing intuition, insight, and spiritual awakening and the 11:11 portal invites heightened awareness and reflection on your intentions and desires, with an opportunity to set clear goals, align with your higher self, and focus on what you wish to manifest in your life. This portal is also a reminder to trust your intuition and inner guidance , encouraging you to be open to receiving insights and messages from the universe, especially regarding your relationships and values during Venus's transit through Capricorn. - The combination of Venus in Capricorn and the 11:11 portal creates a potent time for manifesting practical and meaningful relationships and is an ideal period to set intentions related to love, career, and personal values, focusing on what you wish to create in your life, through reflecting on your relationships and what you value as you enhance your ability to manifest those desires during this time.
November 15th; Saturn turns direct; Full Moon in Taurus
Saturn turning direct and the Full Moon in Taurus alignment encourages you to embrace responsibility, reflect on lessons learned, and take actionable steps toward building stability in your life. It’s a potent time for emotional release, grounding, and manifesting your desires, offering a path to greater fulfillment and clarity on your journey. This alignment creates a powerful energetic shift as this combination of energies brings themes of grounding, responsibility, manifestation, and emotional release, making it a significant day for spiritual growth and reflection. Saturn is the planet of discipline, structure, and responsibility and when he turns direct, it signifies a time to reassess commitments and obligations. This shift encourages you to take action on plans you’ve been contemplating during its retrograde phase, focusing on long-term goals and structures in your life. Saturn resumes direct motion, offering opportunity to integrate lessons learned during the retrograde period and reflecting on any challenges or responsibilities that arose and how to approach them with renewed clarity, confidence and trust, letting go of all limiting beliefs. This is a powerful moment for embracing personal power and taking accountability for your choices, as it supports moving forward with renewed focus on what you want to build and achieve in life. This full moon encourages you to assess your relationship with material resources, values, and what brings you a sense of grounding and pleasure without attachment. This is a potent time for letting go of anything that disrupts your sense of stability, confidence or self-worth and invites you to release old habits, beliefs, or attachments that no longer serve you, allowing for emotional renewal and freedom from all self imposed limitations. Taurus is an Earth sign, highlighting a deep connection to nature and the physical realm and this energy encourages practices that ground you, such as spending time in nature, connecting with your body, or engaging in sensory experiences that bring pleasure and comfort. The combination of Saturn turning direct and the Full Moon in Taurus creates a dynamic where you can reflect on both your personal ambitions and your emotional needs, a time to take actionable steps toward building a more stable and fulfilling life while simultaneously releasing what hinders your growth. This is a powerful time for setting intentions around financial stability, career aspirations, and self-worth, integrating the lessons learned during Saturn’s retrograde and manifesting your goals with the supportive energy of the Taurus Full Moon.
November 19th; Pluto Re-enters Aquarius “Age of Aquarius”
Pluto's movement into Aquarius begins a lengthy transit as Pluto spends an extended period in each sign (approximately 20 years), so this shift heralds a new era characterized by the themes associated with Aquarius, influencing global and personal dynamics. Aquarius is the sign of innovation, progress, technology, and humanitarian ideals while Pluto’s re-entry here signifies a transformative period for societal structures, communities, and collective consciousness. Expect shifts in social norms, increased focus on collective welfare, and movements toward social justice and equality through loving, peaceful ways. Aquarius is linked with technology and scientific advancements and as Pluto moves through this sign, there may be groundbreaking developments in technology, science, and innovation that reshape how we live, work, and connect with one another. This transit encourages a focus on forward-thinking and revolutionary ideas. Pluto in Aquarius can also prompt a reexamination of personal freedoms and individuality and inspire movements advocating for human rights, civil liberties, and the empowerment of marginalized groups, reflecting the Aquarian ideal of egalitarianism, supporting the collective awakening. Pluto’s re-entry into Aquarius relates to the awakening of collective consciousness, as this transit invites individuals to connect with larger societal issues and recognize their role in the greater human experience. It encourages spiritual growth through community involvement with Pluto as the planet of transformation, and its presence in Aquarius encourages embracing change and letting go of outdated beliefs and structures. This period inspires a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all beings and promotes spiritual awakening through awareness. As Pluto enters Aquarius, we find our intuitive capabilities heightened, particularly in relation to progressive ideas and technological advancements, encouraging exploring innovative spiritual practices, utilizing technology for spiritual growth, and embracing unconventional approaches to personal development. This may also challenge existing power dynamics, both personally and collectively through encouraging questioning established norms and systems that may not serve the highest good of all. This could lead to profound inner transformation and a renewed commitment to living authentically and in alignment with our authentic selves and values. This deeply transformative phase will shape both personal and collective experiences over the coming years, stand strong in your authentic power and anchor into the higher perspective of unity, love and change.
November 21st; Sagittarius season begins
Sagittarius season, which runs from approximately November 22 to December 21 (directly followed by the winter equinox), and is a spiritually enriching time empowered by exploration, optimism, and a quest for higher knowledge. It encourages us to seek out new experiences, connect with our authentic selves, and reflect on our life’s true purpose. Embracing the adventurous spirit of Sagittarius can lead to transformative growth and a deeper understanding of both the self and the broader world as we embrace Sagittarius’ energy of the adventurer. This encourages us to explore not just the physical world but also our inner landscapes, pushing us to step out of our comfort zone, embrace new experiences, and expand our horizons. Sagittarius is associated with higher education, philosophy, and the quest for truth inspiring an emphasis on spiritual and intellectual growth. This is an ideal time for studying spiritual philosophies, engaging in discussions about meaning and purpose, and seeking wisdom from diverse sources. The energy of Sagittarius is optimistic and enthusiastic, and we are encouraged to hold a hopeful outlook on life, inspiring us to focus on the infinite possibilities, rather than what is lacking in a physical presence. When you focus on lack you receive more of the same energy in return, so focus on what brings you joy in each moment. Holding and cultivating an attitude of gratitude and positivity enhances your manifesting power and connection to abundance. The expansive energy of Sagittarius expands personal transformation while encouraging you to break free from limitations, challenge old belief systems, and embrace change. This is a time for spiritual evolution, where expanding your understanding of the universe and your place within it can lead to profound insights. Remember, you are an extension of the Universe (Source in skin).
November 25 (until December 25th) Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius, invites a period of reflection on beliefs, communication, and personal truths through encouraging introspection, mindful communication, and the reassessment of what truly matters to you. This is a time to explore both outer and inner journeys, fostering growth, understanding, and a deeper connection to your authentic self. Embrace the opportunities for learning and transformation that this retrograde presents, allowing it to guide you toward greater clarity and insight on your spiritual path. Mercury retrograde often encourages us to reflect on our thoughts and beliefs, in Sagittarius, which governs philosophy and higher learning, this is a powerful time to reassess personal beliefs, values, and worldviews. It invites deeper contemplation about what you truly believe and why which may prompt you to question long-held assumptions and be open to new ideas. It’s an opportunity to explore alternative perspectives and philosophies that may resonate more deeply with your evolving self. As always with Mercury retrograde, communication can become muddled, leading to misunderstandings or misinterpretations but in Sagittarius, there may be a tendency for bluntness or overgeneralization. This period encourages mindfulness in how you express your thoughts and beliefs, emphasizing the importance of clarity and compassion in conversations. Take time to reflect on how you communicate your personal truths and be authentic in your expression. Are you open to listening to the truths of others? Engaging in honest transparent dialogue can foster deeper connections and understanding. You may find yourself revisiting any unhealed past experiences related to your beliefs and reflecting on these lessons can provide insights into how you can grow and evolve moving forward. If travel is on your agenda during this retrograde, it’s wise to be diligent as delays, changes, and miscommunications can arise, it’s a reminder to embrace flexibility and adaptability, allowing for unexpected detours to lead to valuable experiences. Beyond physical travel, this period can also inspire a journey into your inner world, through engaging with practices that encourage exploration of spirituality, such as reading spiritual books, blogs, attending workshops, or connecting with mentors who can guide you on your path. Sagittarius values freedom and authenticity, making this a significant time to assess whether you are living in alignment with your true self. Consider what may be holding you back from expressing your authentic beliefs and desires and release limiting beliefs.
We often use crystals and herbs to enhance the energies of specific astrological events such as the full moon and new moon and for our day to day spiritual practices.
Here are some suggestions for crystals and herbs to use for November:
Crystals for November
Here are some crystals that are particularly supportive for the energies of November, including the New Moon in Scorpio, the Full Moon in Taurus, and the transitions of planets like Mercury and Saturn:
- Properties: A powerful protective stone that aids in releasing negative energies and emotional blockages. It helps ground and center you, especially during transformative times.
- Spiritual Significance: Great for the Scorpio energy of transformation and introspection, Obsidian encourages deep self-reflection and healing.
- Properties: Known as a stone of transformation, Labradorite enhances intuition and psychic abilities. It helps in navigating changes and discovering your true path.
- Spiritual Significance: Its iridescent qualities resonate with the Sagittarius themes of exploration and discovery, encouraging spiritual growth and self-discovery.
- Properties: A grounding stone that promotes courage, strength, and confidence. It helps in making decisions and balancing emotions.
- Spiritual Significance: Tiger’s Eye supports the energy of Sagittarius by providing the confidence to take risks and embrace new adventures.
- Properties: Often called the “stone of opportunity,” Green Aventurine attracts luck and prosperity. It also encourages emotional healing and balances the heart chakra.
- Spiritual Significance: This crystal is beneficial during the Taurus Full Moon, promoting stability and security while opening the heart to new possibilities.
Blue Lace Agate
- Properties: A calming stone that helps with communication and expression. It promotes peace and tranquility, easing anxiety and stress.
- Spiritual Significance: Especially useful during Mercury retrograde, Blue Lace Agate encourages clear communication and understanding in relationships.
- Properties: A powerful protective stone known for its calming energy. It enhances intuition and spiritual awareness while providing emotional balance.
- Spiritual Significance: Amethyst is particularly helpful in navigating the transformative energies of November, aiding in spiritual growth and higher consciousness.
- Properties: A grounding stone that absorbs and transmutes negative energies. It helps to release emotional blockages and provides clarity.
- Spiritual Significance: Ideal for the introspective energy of Scorpio, Smoky Quartz encourages emotional healing and clarity in decision-making.
Working with Crystals in November
- Meditation: Use these crystals during meditation to enhance your connection to their energies and promote inner clarity.
- Intentions: Set intentions with your crystals at the New Moon and Full Moon, focusing on areas of transformation, healing, and personal growth.
- Gratitude Practice: Incorporate crystals into your gratitude practice by holding them while you express what you’re thankful for, amplifying positive energies.
Herbs for November
Here are some herbs that are particularly beneficial for November, reflecting the themes of introspection, protection, gratitude, and preparation for the winter season:
- Properties: Often used in dream work and for enhancing intuition, mugwort can help with lucid dreaming and connecting with the subconscious.
- Spiritual Significance: As November is a time for reflection and introspection, mugwort encourages exploration of dreams and inner thoughts, aiding in personal growth.
- Properties: Known for its purifying and cleansing properties, sage is frequently used in smudging rituals to clear negative energy.
- Spiritual Significance: November is a time for letting go of the past and making space for new beginnings, making sage ideal for rituals focused on release and renewal.
- Properties: Thyme is known for its antiseptic properties and is also supportive of respiratory health.
- Spiritual Significance: Associated with courage and strength, thyme can be used to bolster your resolve and help you navigate any challenges during the darker months.
- Properties: This warming spice is known for its stimulating effects, enhancing mood and motivation.
- Spiritual Significance: Cinnamon is often used in rituals to attract abundance and prosperity, making it a great addition to your practices as the year comes to a close.
- Properties: Clove has strong antibacterial properties and is often used for its warming effects and aroma in cooking and natural remedies.
- Spiritual Significance: Clove can enhance protection and is often used in rituals to ward off negativity and invite good fortune.
- Properties: Known for its refreshing scent and digestive benefits, peppermint is uplifting and invigorating.
- Spiritual Significance: It helps clear the mind and promotes mental clarity, making it useful during a time when introspection is encouraged.
- Properties: Often used for its antiseptic properties and in respiratory support, eucalyptus is also great for refreshing the mind.
- Spiritual Significance: This herb can help clear away stagnant energy and enhance mental clarity, aligning with November's theme of preparation for renewal.
Using Herbs in November
- Rituals: Incorporate these herbs into rituals focused on protection, abundance, and letting go of what no longer serves you.
- Herbal Teas: Brew herbal teas with these ingredients to connect with their energies and support your physical and emotional health during the colder months.
- Cooking: Use these herbs in your meals to enhance flavor while inviting their spiritual properties into your daily life.
These herbs can support your spiritual practices and overall well-being as you navigate the themes of November, helping you to connect with the season's energy and prepare for the coming winter months.
Allison Shaw
To book an introductory consultation with me, click here.
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