January Energetic & Astrological Forecast

January 2025
Hello January 2025!
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Although January is not considered a true new year in our astrological or spiritual line up, it is seen as the calendar new year in society. March is considered the “true new year” as it is a month of rebirth, renewal, and transition. The spiritual meaning of March symbolizes these aspects as we move from the introspective winter into the blossoming life of spring where we come out of “hibernation”. But we will discuss that in detail in our March blog.
The Gregorian calendar is (for me) not the true calendar and meant to keep us out of alignment with things like Moon cycles and seasons. On October 12, AD 1492 (Dreamspell 7 Earth of year 7 Storm), Christopher Columbus arrived in the “New World.” The hopes of the Maya, the Hopi, and all indigenous people, not only of the Americas, but of the entire planet were thoroughly shattered and destroyed. Genocide, enslavement, and colonization were the indigenous people’s reward. Never had the knowledge of a high civilization been so intentionally desecrated and destroyed as was that of the Maya. In one single act of conquest, humanity was deprived of the gift of the knowledge of time. By 1583 the Catholic Church installed its “reform” of time known as the Gregorian calendar. Simultaneous to the proclamation of the Gregorian calendar was the development of mechanized time, the basis of all machine technology. Instead of the 13:20 galactic frequency of time, the planet was bequeathed with the 12:60 (12-month year, 60-minute hours) frequency of machine technology.”
By Jose Arguelles
It is important for us to remember that during the first half of the 20th century, a vigorous and well-organized calendar reform movement flourished. George Eastman of Eastman Kodak organized a great campaign on behalf of a particular 13-month, 28-day calendar, known as The International Fixed Calendar, a perpetual calendar (same every year) with 13 equal months of exactly 4 weeks (28 days) each, comprising 364 days, and with the final 365th day held not in any week or month, often known as a “Null Day” or “Zero Day,” so that the first day of the year is always the first day of the week, a Sunday.
In the United States alone, over one hundred industries adopted a 13-month, 28-day perpetual calendar. Kodak used one until 1989. It was announced that on January 1, 1933, we would return to 13 months of 28 days each. But the Vatican resisted it by focusing on a campaign against the “Null Day.”
They argued that a break in the succession of the seven-day week would create chaos and calamity. George Eastman Kodak, one of the most well-known 13-month, 28-day calendar proponents of that time, was murdered within the next year after the Vatican stopped the calendar change. This calendar story has been swept under the history carpet.
A 13 month calendar ( International Fixed Calendar also known as the Cotsworth plan, the Cotsworth calendar, the Eastman plan or the Years), promotes harmony and evolution, whereas the 12 month calendar (Gregorian) is intended to promote disorganization and disharmony.
7 days a week with 4 weeks in each month is a harmonious 28 day month and 13 month year. 7 + 4 = 11; 11 is one of the 3 master numbers holding a unique vibration of spiritual awareness, intuition, illumination, and represented by Uranus, the planet of freedom and radical change. With a 13 month calendar March is technically the beginning of the new year and January is the 11th month.
Information gathered from https://blog.calendartruth.info/2017/03/22/history-of-the-13-month-28-day-calendar/
January holds Capricorn and Aquarius Energy:
Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19): Governed by Saturn, January begins under the influence of Capricorn, symbolizing ambition, discipline, and a focus on long-term goals. It's a time to establish strong foundations and manifest success through hard work.
Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18): Toward the latter part of the month, Aquarius energy takes over, ruled by Uranus (modern) and Saturn (traditional). Aquarius emphasizes innovation, individuality, and collective progress, encouraging new ways of thinking and connection.
January number 1 in the calendar year and 11 in the astrological calendar (the International Fixed Calendar; also known as the IFC, Cotsworth plan, the Cotsworth calendar). January is the 1st month of the Gregorian calendar year and the number 1 in numerology symbolizes new beginnings, independence, and leadership. In astrology, the numbers 1 and 11 carry symbolic meanings tied to individuality, leadership, spiritual insight, and collective energy. While astrology doesn’t use numbers in the same way as numerology, certain connections are made based on planetary associations, zodiac signs, and houses.
Number 1 in Astrology
Sun and Aries Energy: The number 1 resonates with the Sun, symbolizing self-identity, vitality, and leadership. It also aligns with Aries, the 1st sign of the zodiac, ruled by Mars. Aries is bold, action-oriented, and thrives on initiating new ventures.
Number 11 in Astrology
Master Number 11 in Numerology: In numerology, 11 is considered a Master Number, representing heightened spiritual insight, intuition, and alignment with higher consciousness. In astrology, this energy translates into a connection with the collective, innovation, and visionary thinking.
Aquarius and Uranus Energy:
The number 11 resonates with Aquarius, the 11th sign of the zodiac, ruled by Uranus (modern) and Saturn (traditional).
Aquarius embodies the themes of community, humanitarianism, and forward-thinking innovation, mirroring 11’s spiritual and transformative nature.
11th House:
The 11th house in astrology governs friendships, communities, and aspirations. It emphasizes how individuals contribute to and benefit from the collective.
It also highlights dreams, wishes, and the broader connections that inspire progress.

11 Energy:
Emphasizes spiritual growth, humanitarian efforts, and visionary pursuits.
Connect with Aquarius themes through group activities, innovative projects, or meditation to enhance intuition and spiritual insight.
Encourages focusing on self-empowerment, leading your path, and initiating bold actions.
Astrological rituals can involve aligning with the Sun or Mars for confidence and vitality.
1 in Tarot
Major Arcana: The Magician (Card I)
Manifestation and Creation: The Magician represents the ability to bring thoughts into reality using all available tools (the wand, cup, sword, and pentacle).
Willpower and Action: Embodies the power of individuality and taking initiative.
As Above, So Below: The Magician’s posture (one hand pointing up, the other down) symbolizes the connection between the spiritual and material realms.
Spiritual Meaning:
The Magician is a reminder of personal power and the ability to align with divine energy to manifest desires.
Keywords: Initiative, creativity, resourcefulness, empowerment, focus.
Minor Arcana: Aces (All Suits)
Each Ace corresponds to the number 1 and signifies new beginnings and potential in its specific realm:
Ace of Wands: Inspiration, creativity, and new opportunities.
Ace of Cups: Emotional renewal, love, and spiritual awakening.
Ace of Swords: Mental clarity, breakthroughs, and truth.
Ace of Pentacles: Material abundance, stability, and new ventures.
Aces are seeds of potential, holding infinite possibilities in their respective suit.
They encourage action to nurture and grow these opportunities.
11 in Tarot
Major Arcana: Justice (Card XI) or Strength (Card XI)
Depending on the tarot deck, card XI is either Justice or Strength (they switch places with card VIII in different traditions, e.g., Rider-Waite vs. Marseille).
Justice (XI):
Balance, fairness, and truth.
The scales represent harmony, while the sword signifies decisiveness and clarity.
Spiritual Meaning:
Justice reminds us to align with integrity and take responsibility for our actions.
Keywords: Truth, accountability, fairness, karma.
Strength (XI) (in some decks):
Inner strength, courage, and compassion.
The figure taming the lion symbolizes mastering primal instincts through patience and love.
Spiritual Meaning:
Strength teaches resilience and emotional fortitude.
Keywords: Courage, patience, inner calm, mastery over desires.
Minor Arcana: 11 as Knights
The number 11 can also correspond to Knights in the court cards because they represent action and movement, a continuation of the Ace’s potential.
Knight of Wands: Passionate pursuit of goals.
Knight of Cups: Emotional quests and romantic journeys.
Knight of Swords: Ambitious and intellectual drives.
Knight of Pentacles: Steady progress toward material goals.
Knights bring the energy of 11: action, mastery, and advancing toward a goal.
They carry a balance between individual drive and serving a higher purpose.
Affirmations related to the energies of 1 and 11, aligned with themes of new beginnings, personal empowerment, and the New Year:
"I lead with courage, confidence, and clarity."
"I am aligned with my higher purpose and contribute to the collective good."
“I am the creator of my reality, and I take inspired action toward my dreams."
"Each day is a new opportunity to lead with confidence and courage."
"I embrace my individuality and trust my unique path."
"I am focused, determined, and ready to begin anew."
"I take the necessary steps toward my goals, knowing success is inevitable."
"I align with my higher self and trust my intuition to guide me."
"I am open to divine insights and inspired ideas."
"I contribute my unique gifts to the greater good with love and purpose."
"I trust the universe to reveal the next steps on my spiritual path."
"I am a visionary, and my thoughts and actions uplift myself and others."
"I release the past and welcome the limitless possibilities of this new year."
"I set clear intentions for the year ahead and take aligned action to manifest them."
"I am grateful for a fresh start and trust the journey that lies ahead."
"I step into the new year with clarity, focus, and a heart full of hope."
"This year, I choose growth, joy, and abundance in every area of my life."
"With each new beginning, I honor my individuality and align with my higher purpose."
"This year, I manifest my dreams with confidence and trust in divine timing."
"I am both a leader and a visionary, creating a life of fulfillment and contribution."
"My path is illuminated with clarity and purpose as I welcome the new year."
"I trust in my inner strength and divine guidance to create a year filled with magic and meaning."
How to Use These Affirmations
Daily Practice: Repeat an affirmation every morning to set a positive tone for the day.
Write Them Down: Add affirmations to your journal, vision board, or planner.
Meditate on Them: Pair affirmations with deep breaths during a meditation session.
Incorporate into Rituals: Use them during New Year’s rituals, such as lighting a candle or visualizing your goals.
Year Cycle Influence:
Depending on the Universal Year number (calculated by adding the digits of the year), January can amplify specific themes. For example, in 2024 (a Universal Year 8), January would emphasize manifesting abundance, balance, and power and in 2025 is a Universal year 9.which represents the final year of a 9 year cycle and a time of completion, growth and transition.
January marks the transition into a new calendar year, symbolizing a chance to reset intentions, clear out old energy, and align with higher purposes and new beginnings. In the Northern Hemisphere, January is deeply tied to the energy of winter, symbolizing introspection, patience, and inner growth, a time for hibernation, planning, and preparing for the active seasons ahead. January reflects the rebirth of the self and the collective consciousness focusing on setting resolutions and embracing opportunities for transformation (old programming). I don’t encourage the societal focus on “new year resolutions” as there is no time like the present to make whatever changes you wish to make in your life. The ground is cold and hard, and it is not the ideal time to plant “seeds”, it is a time to reflect and review. Change is a constant and when you put off what you can do in the “now” it can cause a disconnect, especially when we set resolutions in a time of “hibernation”.
The name January derives from Janus, the Roman god of doorways, transitions, and beginnings. Janus is depicted with two faces, symbolizing looking back at the past and forward to the future.
For Capricorn Energy (Jan 1–19):
Set Structured Goals: Reflect and write down practical and long-term intentions for the coming months. Focus on areas like career, finances, and health.
Tools: Journals, planners, or goal-setting templates, meditation, daily spiritual practices.
Affirmation: “I am building a strong foundation for my dreams and staying committed to my path.”
Garnet: Enhances passion and commitment.
Onyx: Offers grounding and protection.
Tiger’s Eye: Balances ambition with practicality.
For Aquarius Energy (Jan 20–31):
Embrace Innovation: Brainstorm creative solutions to challenges you wish to overcome and celebrate the ones you have already overcome, explore new hobbies, and engage in things you enjoy.
Tools: Vision boards, vision/brainstorming journals, new spiritual practices, or use innovative tools like digital apps
Affirmation: “I open myself to new ideas, new beginnings and connect with my authentic purpose.”
Amethyst: Enhances intuition and spiritual growth.
Labradorite: Sparks creativity and insight.
Aquamarine: Encourages clear communication and emotional balance.
Spiritual Practices
New Year Cleansing Ritual: Which I do starting a week before so I don't feel rushed and take my time to enjoy the process of “clearing”.
Clear Old Energy:
Use sage, palo santo, herb blends or a diffuser with essential oils like lavender, sage, peppermint, eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon, sweet orange, lemongrass, or frankincense to cleanse your space. You can combine the oils to make a blend specific to you
Declutter your physical environment to make room for the new.
We have spent 2024 (and before), clearing the clutter from within and now incorporating clearing your physical space is key to help you truly align with new beginnings and energy of allowing.
Tools: A smudge stick, essential oils, or salt/salt water for purification, open windows to let the air in (open your front and back door to symbolize “out with the old and in with the new”), make a spray to use in the air and on surfacing (I use vinegar, some castile soap and essential oils for surfaces and the floor and an energy spray for the air)
Seasonal Connection: Since January corresponds with winter (in the Northern Hemisphere), focus on inner growth and patience, spend time journaling or meditating near a fireplace or candlelight to reflect on your inner warmth.
Tools for Alignment
Crystals for January:
Clear Quartz: Amplifies intentions and energy.
Citrine: Brings optimism and success.
Hematite: Grounds and balances during transitions.
Essential Oils:
Peppermint: Invigorates and clears the mind.
Eucalyptus: Purifies energy and supports respiratory health.
Cedarwood: Encourages grounding and connection to nature.
Tarot/Oracle Cards:
Pull cards to guide your energy for the month.
Focus on themes like "The Magician" (new beginnings) or "The Star" (hope and inspiration).
Activities to Reinforce Intentions
Create a vision board with images and words representing your 2024 goals.
Practice gratitude journaling by writing down one thing you’re grateful for each day in January.
Spend time outdoors (if possible) to connect with the grounding energy of winter and reflect on the cycles of nature.
We have 4 pivotal planetary shifts for 2025 as well as the North and South Nodes beginning with January 11th North Node enters Pisces South Node enters Virgo. The Lunar nodes guide our collective karma and growth and this highlights faith, surrender and intuition. Encouraging us to release perfectionism and ridge routines. All signs evolve and fully embrace their intuition and step away from the thinking aka 3D logical mind, allowing for more expansion and alignment.
North Node in Pisces:
Emphasis on compassion, spirituality, and creative flow.
Encourages embracing intuition, faith, and the interconnectedness of all things.
Themes of surrendering control, trusting the divine, and finding peace in uncertainty.
South Node in Virgo:
Releasing over-analysis, perfectionism, and excessive focus on details.
Letting go of rigid structures, overworking, or trying to "fix" everything.
Learning to balance practical routines with spiritual trust.
Key Areas of Impact:
Focus on spiritual growth, creative arts, and healing practices.
A shift from logic to intuition in problem-solving.
Collective lessons around letting go of judgment and embracing universal love.
March 30th Neptune enters Aries
Bold Spirituality:
A pioneering approach to spirituality and creativity.
Inspiration to take action on dreams and ideals.
Revolutionizing Compassion: Standing up for causes related to unity, compassion, and the underprivileged, not fighting against but a unified sense of support through love, helping to create change by being the change. Remember, supply and demand, if you are a conscious consumer, it decreases the demand for low frequency things. We have stepped into a frequency of need over greed and know we always have what we need.
Clarity Through Action: Breaking through illusions with bold initiatives and challenges around impulsiveness or misdirected idealism.
Key Areas of Impact:
Creative projects with a strong sense of individuality.
Movements focused on social justice, spirituality, and innovation.
Opportunities to balance dreams with courageous action.
May 25th Saturn enters Aries
Leadership and Responsibility: Saturn in Aries calls for discipline in leadership and personal initiative. Learning to take conscious calculated risks and build a foundation for innovation.
Pioneering Spirit: A drive to define individual goals and bring them to fruition through perseverance. Challenges related to impulsivity and burnout.
Focus on Accountability: Lessons in balancing independence with responsibility while taking accountability for ourselves in how we engage, feel, think, and behave. Encouragement to develop self-discipline and resilience through healing and feeling safe and secure within ourselves which is reflected in our life experiences.
Key Areas of Impact:
Personal growth through facing fears and stepping into leadership roles.
Societal focus on redefining what it means to take bold, responsible action.
Potential challenges in managing aggressive or competitive energies.
June 9th Jupiter enters Cancer
Emotional Growth and Nurturing: Jupiter in Cancer amplifies themes of emotional intelligence, family, and home life. Encourages generosity, compassion, and the healing of familial bonds.
Abundance Through Connection: Prosperity linked to nurturing others and cultivating deep emotional roots. Opportunities for growth in areas related to home, real estate, or caregiving.
Intuitive Expansion: Strengthened intuition and emotional awareness guiding personal and collective decisions.
Key Areas of Impact:
Focus on home, family, and emotional well-being.
Collective themes around protecting the vulnerable and fostering community.
Financial opportunities connected to domestic or nurturing endeavors.
July 7th Uranus enters Gemini
Revolution in Communication: A shift toward groundbreaking innovations in technology, media, and information sharing for the betterment of ALL. Clearing challenges existing paradigms of communication and knowledge.
Intellectual Awakening: A collective push for mental freedom, diverse perspectives, and adaptability, learning to understand the truth of “it is what it is” and utilizing that for our betterment. Sudden shifts in learning styles, education, or how we process information and a change in the outdated educational systems of learning.
Dynamic Change: Unpredictable developments in transportation, trade, and digital communication. Excitement and chaos as society adapts to rapid intellectual and social shifts.
Key Areas of Impact:
Transformations in technology, education, and global connectivity.
Opportunities to embrace innovative thinking and adaptability.
Collective lessons in balancing intellectual freedom with responsibility.
2025 is a year of deep transformation and major shifts, letting go of outdated paradigms and embracing bountiful new beginnings. The year ahead is one that we will always remember in beneficial ways.
We start off 2025 already in Mars retrograde shifting info Cancer, emphasizing the need for self-care. (December 6, 2024, to February 24, 2025), and offers a time of deep transformation, asking us to shed old identities, release ego-driven patterns, and embrace a more authentic version of ourselves. Beginning in fiery Leo, (if you have Leo Sun/Moon/Rising or heavy Leo in your chart you will feel this more deeply), Mars retrograde highlights themes of self-expression, creativity, and the company we keep. It encourages us to evaluate our friendships, drop facades, and align with people and pursuits that resonate with our authentic truth and highest timeline. (see December blog for more details)
January 2nd Vesta Enters Scorpio
Vesta, the astrologically significant asteroid representing sacred sexuality, devotion, and inner flame, moves into the intense and transformative sign of Scorpio. Scorpio is the sign of death, rebirth, and transformation, Vesta in Scorpio encourages diving into the depths of your psyche to rediscover and reignite your inner sacred flame. Scorpio rules intimacy, sensuality, and the merging of energies. This alignment amplifies themes of sacred sexuality, inviting a deeper exploration of the spiritual aspects of physical connection and the alchemy of union. Vesta in Scorpio is intensely focused and passionate, it fosters a single-minded dedication to uncovering hidden truths, whether in relationships, spiritual practices, or creative endeavors. Scorpio’s energy is connected to the unconscious and shadow aspects of the self. Vesta here offers an opportunity for healing past wounds related to intimacy, trust, and vulnerability. Pay attention to aspects Vesta forms with other planets, especially Pluto (Scorpio’s ruler), Mars (co-ruler), or Venus, as these can further emphasize themes of transformation, desire, and devotion. Work with this energy as Vesta's ingress into Scorpio intensifies our focus on transformation, healing, and the mysteries of life. It encourages a deep commitment to personal growth and the exploration of our inner passions.
Awakening Kundalini Energy: This transit is an ideal time to engage in practices like kundalini yoga, tantric meditation, or breathwork to awaken and channel life force energy.
Healing Through Intimacy: Vesta in Scorpio brings an opportunity to redefine intimacy and trust in relationships. This is a time for exploring the sacred bond between physical and spiritual connection.
Deepening Spiritual Practices: Scorpio’s transformative energy encourages exploring mysticism, rituals, and esoteric knowledge. Engaging in rituals that honor your inner fire—like lighting candles or working with sacred symbols—can enhance spiritual growth.
Releasing Old Patterns: Scorpio’s energy supports letting go of toxic patterns or fears around vulnerability, enabling profound healing and empowerment.
Relevance of Vesta on other alignments
Mars Retrograde Enters Cancer January 6th
While not directly involving Vesta, Mars' retrograde into Cancer shifts the cosmic energy, influencing our emotional drive and actions. This transit may indirectly affect how we channel Vesta's Scorpionic energy, urging a balance between emotional needs and transformative desires.
Practices to Align with Vesta in Scorpio
Shadow Integration: Journal about fears, insecurities, or hidden desires to bring light to unconscious patterns. Take accountability for yourself and how you have gotten in your own way through outdated beliefs, self imposed or ancestral limiting mindsets, self sabotage, allowing your past (pain; trauma), to limit your growth and expansion. Learning that darkness cannot exist without light and light cannot exist without darkness, and rediscovering your personal power. Turning pain into power, healing and building a solid foundation anchored in the highest version of yourself, and allowing yourself to be who you have come here to be. No longer allowing things like suffering, lack, anger, hurt, animosity to be part of your identity. Free yourself and be the “you” in this moment and longingly let go of what was. BE the co creator of your life and step into that place of knowing.
Sacred Sexuality: Engage in mindful practices that celebrate the union of body, mind, and spirit. Feel gratitude for the bliss of your body and tell your body daily how much you love and appreciate the home you have been blessed with in order to experience this humanness. Appreciate the pleasure your body can experience in many different ways, whether physical or emotional.
Transformation Rituals: Use symbolic acts like burning old letters or releasing objects tied to past emotional pain to invite renewal. Delete pictures and messages from your phone, burn or throw away things that feel sad or upsetting, angry or frustrated, you are in control of how you feel and how you allow the things around you to influence you.
Crystal Work: Meditate with crystals like obsidian (for shadow work), carnelian (for sensuality), or garnet (for transformation)
January 3rd Venus enters Pisces
When Venus enters Pisces, it brings a dreamy, romantic, and spiritually enriching energy. Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and harmony, thrives in Pisces, a sign ruled by Neptune, associated with compassion, spirituality, and transcendence.
Venus is exalted in Pisces, meaning it expresses its energy most harmoniously and powerfully in this sign. This placement highlights unconditional love, artistic inspiration, and deep emotional connections.
Romantic Idealism: Pisces enhances Venus's romantic nature, creating a longing for soulful and spiritual connections. Love takes on a transcendent, almost ethereal quality.
Compassion and Empathy: This transit fosters a deep sense of compassion and understanding, encouraging forgiveness and healing in relationships.
Artistic Inspiration: Pisces' dreamy influence amplifies creativity, making this an ideal time for artistic and imaginative pursuits.
Boundary Dissolution: While this can be a time of profound connection, it’s important to watch for a tendency to blur boundaries or idealize others.
Venus in Pisces
Unconditional Love: This is a period to embody love that transcends personal desires, focusing on universal compassion and kindness. Understanding love is unconditional and it is only through our humanness that we love with conditions. Tap into your inner Source and channel that energy in order to fully see through the shadows of limitation, judgment, and hate. We don't have to be friends or like everyone we come into contact with, it is more about a higher perspective and understanding we are ALL doing our best according to who we are in each moment. It's about respecting the process of life and knowing when you are aligned and allowing yourself to experience life in harmony through your inner Source, you are in a state of abundance and attract the highest vibration of others around you. Remember, we are magnetic beings, how you feel within is reflected in every experience we encounter.
Connection to the Divine: Venus in Pisces fosters a sense of unity with the universe. Spiritual practices like meditation, prayer, or creative expression can help deepen your connection to the divine.
Healing Energies: This transit is an opportunity to heal emotional wounds, particularly in the areas of love and self-worth. It invites you to forgive yourself and others, releasing past hurts.
Enhanced Intuition: Pisces heightens intuitive and psychic abilities. Trust your inner guidance, especially in matters of the heart.
Romantic Spirituality: Venus in Pisces encourages exploring the sacred and spiritual aspects of love, merging physical and emotional intimacy with divine connection.
Align with Venus in Pisces
Creative Expression: Engage in activities like painting, writing poetry, or music to channel the imaginative energies of Pisces.
Spiritual Practices: Incorporate rituals that honor love and compassion, such as lighting candles, working with rose quartz, or meditating on the heart chakra.
Acts of Kindness: Perform small acts of selfless love, whether through volunteering, helping someone in need, or simply offering kind words.
Self-Love Rituals: Focus on nurturing your own emotional and spiritual well-being with baths, journaling, or spending time in nature.
Potential Challenges
Over-Idealization: Be mindful of putting others on a pedestal or ignoring red flags in relationships or getting trapped in toxic comforts
Escapism: Avoid tendencies toward escapism, whether through overindulgence, or avoiding truth. Take time to consciously work with and through your feelings and emotions in order to heal from anything that is keeping you from moving forward emotionally, physically, energetically or spiritually.
Lack of Boundaries: Ensure you maintain healthy boundaries in relationships and avoid being overly self-sacrificing. Healthy boundaries come from a place of alignment with your inner Source and never to control or manipulate.
January 13th Full Moon in Cancer
One of the most potent lunar events of the year (deeply affecting Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn), this full moon may have you realizing you’re still stuck in old ways of being and functioning. Allowing yourself to feel your feelings now is key to processing the past and move forward. Take time to nurture your emotional well-being, feel your feelings, do the inner work necessary and allow the release once and for all of what no longer serves you. If you are truly ready for new beginnings then you must allow them to happen and let go of holding yourself emotionally or energetically hostage. This Full Moon illuminates themes of emotional depth, home, family, and nurturing. Cancer, ruled by the Moon, is the zodiac sign most attuned to emotions, intuition, and the inner world. This Full Moon brings heightened awareness of personal and collective needs for safety, comfort, and belonging.
Themes of the Full Moon in Cancer:
Emotional Release and Healing:
The Cancer Full Moon is a powerful time for releasing pent-up emotions and letting go of emotional baggage. It highlights areas where we may feel vulnerable or overly sensitive, offering an opportunity for deeper healing and taking accountability for ourselves.
Focus on Home and Family:
Cancer governs the home, family dynamics, and ancestral ties. Issues surrounding family connections, traditions, and personal boundaries may come to light. It’s a good time to nurture your living space or reconnect with loved ones.
Heightened Intuition:
The Moon is exalted in Cancer, amplifying intuitive insights. Trust your gut feelings and inner guidance during this time. Engage with practices to connect you more deeply with your intuition.
Balance Between Public and Private Life:
With the Sun in Capricorn opposing the Moon in Cancer, this Full Moon invites balance between career ambitions and personal or family life. It asks: Are you prioritizing external success at the expense of emotional well-being?
Self-Care and Emotional Nurturing:
This lunation emphasizes the need to care for yourself as deeply as you care for others. Activities like journaling, meditation, or spending time near water can help soothe emotions.
Key Aspects:
Moon Trine Neptune (Pisces):
Enhances emotional sensitivity and spiritual awareness.
Excellent for dreamwork, meditation, and artistic pursuits.
Moon Opposite Pluto (Capricorn):
May bring intense emotional experiences or revelations.
Encourages transformation by confronting fears or power dynamics in relationships.
North Node in Pisces Influence:
A push toward compassionate action and trusting the flow of life.
Harnessing the Energy:
Reflection and Release: Reflect on what emotional patterns or attachments no longer serve you.
Write down and release them through rituals like burning or symbolic cleansing.
Connect with Family or Ancestors: Revisit family traditions or create new ones.
Honor your roots through storytelling or creating a family altar.
Self-Care Practices: Focus on nurturing your body and soul, warm salt baths, healthy comfort foods, or connecting with nature. Taking time daily to stay in touch with yourself and your needs
Intuitive Work: Use this time for divination, dream journaling, or exploring your intuition.
The Sun in Aquarius January 20th
January 20th - February 18th:
Individuality and Innovation:Aquarius, ruled by Uranus (and traditionally Saturn), inspires progressive thinking, originality, and unconventional approaches to life. Focus shifts to individuality, collective welfare, and breaking free from societal norms.
Focus on the Collective: Emphasizes themes of community, collaboration, and humanitarian efforts. Encourages finding balance between personal freedom and collective responsibility.
Detachment and Objectivity: Heightened ability to step back and view situations with logic and clarity. Challenges around emotional detachment or feeling alienated.
Intellectual Curiosity: Strong focus on mental stimulation, new ideas, and technological advancements. Excellent time for brainstorming, networking, and engaging in innovative projects.
Pluto Cazimi January 21st
What is a Pluto Cazimi?
A Cazimi occurs when a planet aligns exactly with the Sun, symbolizing a moment of intense focus and clarity for that planet’s themes. This Pluto Cazimi marks a significant turning point, with Pluto being energized and illuminated by the Sun.
Rebirth and Transformation: Pluto symbolizes death, rebirth, and transformation. Its alignment with the Sun supercharges this energy, making it a potent time for profound change. Collective shifts related to power dynamics, societal structures, and technological innovation are highlighted.The cazimi can illuminate truths about power, control, or hidden forces in our lives and in society and a call to confront shadow aspects with courage and clarity.
Revolutionary Vision: In Aquarius, Pluto emphasizes transformation through community, technology, and futuristic ideals. Breakthroughs in science, governance, or collective movements are possible. Aquarius energy encourages working together to dismantle outdated systems and co-create progressive solutions for the greater good of the collective.
How These Energies Intersect:
The Sun in Aquarius sets the stage for individuality, forward-thinking, and humanitarian focus.
The Pluto Cazimi amplifies the transformational energy, offering a powerful opportunity to step into your own personal power while contributing to collective evolution.
Harnessing This Energy:
Set Transformational Goals: Reflect on areas in your life where you’re ready to release outdated patterns and embrace new visions. Where are you holding yourself back? Are you holding on to things out of fear or toxic comfort or embracing the unknown? It’s time to step into your power and trust the process of change for the betterment of your life.
Collaborate for Change: Engage in community or group activities that align with progressive ideals and connect with those who you can be your authentic self around. Remember, we are the company we keep if we are not confident and secure in ourselves
Embrace Shadow Work: Use this time to delve into your unconscious and uncover what’s holding you back from living authentically. Feel, Deal and Heal whatever fragments linger or hold you back. Shadow work is an integral part of our healing journey.
January 25th Seven Planets Align
A rare celestial event occurs where seven planets, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune align
This alignment, visible to the naked eye, offers a unique opportunity to observe the planets clustered together after sunset. This planetary alignment amplifies the individual energies associated with each planet:
Mercury: Governs communication, intellect, and reasoning.
Venus: Represents love, beauty, and harmony.
Mars: Symbolizes action, desire, and aggression.
Jupiter: Associated with expansion, growth, and wisdom.
Saturn: Relates to discipline, responsibility, and structure.
Uranus: Signifies innovation, rebellion, and sudden changes.
Neptune: Embodies dreams, intuition, and spiritual enlightenment.
When these planets align, their combined energies can lead to significant shifts in personal and collective experiences, influencing various aspects of life, including relationships, career, and spiritual growth like a cosmic boost, enhancing the flow of energy and consciousness. It serves as a reminder of the interconnectedness of the universe and encourages reflection on one's path and purpose. Engaging in meditation, setting intentions, or participating in communal spiritual practices during this time can help us align with the heightened energies and embrace deep personal transformation. This is an opportunity to harness the amplified energies for growth, understanding, and positive change.
January 27th Mercury enters Aquarius
Mercury enters Aquarius on January 27, bringing a burst of intellectual, innovative, and forward-thinking energy. Aquarius, ruled by Uranus and co-ruled by Saturn, embodies ideals of individuality, progressiveness, and collective consciousness. This transit highlights themes of communication, technology, and humanitarianism.
Innovative Thinking: Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect, thrives in Aquarius. This alignment enhances creativity and encourages thinking outside the box.
Revolutionary Ideas: Aquarius's influence inspires groundbreaking ideas and unconventional problem-solving. It's a time for innovation and embracing new perspectives.
Collective Focus: Aquarius rules groups, networks, and humanity at large. This transit brings attention to collaborative efforts and social progress.
Detached Perspective: While emotions may take a backseat, this detachment allows for objectivity in conversations and decision-making.
Tech and Communication Breakthroughs: Aquarius governs technology, making this a favorable time for advancements in communication tools, social media, and digital innovation.
Expanding Consciousness: Mercury in Aquarius invites you to connect with higher realms of thought and explore universal truths. It's a time to tap into cosmic wisdom and spiritual awakening.
Humanitarian Vision: This energy encourages focusing on collective well-being, fostering a sense of unity and purpose in contributing to the greater good.
Freedom of Expression: Aquarius supports authentic self-expression, pushing you to embrace your individuality and share your unique voice with the world.
Awakening Intuition: Aquarian energy can amplify intuitive downloads, especially in areas of collective evolution and future-oriented insights.
Alignment with Cosmic Purpose: This transit helps align your thoughts and communication with a higher purpose, promoting alignment with your soul's mission.
Harness Mercury in Aquarius
Brainstorm and Innovate: Use this time to think creatively and develop out-of-the-box solutions for challenges in your personal or professional life.
Engage in Group Discussions: Connect with like-minded individuals to exchange ideas and collaborate on projects.
Explore Technology: Dive into learning new technologies or improving your digital presence in beneficial ways.
Practice Detachment: Work on observing situations objectively, without letting emotions cloud your judgment. Observe, don't absorb.
Meditate on Universal Themes: Engage in practices that expand your awareness of interconnectedness and collective consciousness.
Breaking Old Patterns: Aquarius invites the breaking of outdated traditions and embracing progressive change.
Connecting with Humanity: The energy encourages focusing on shared goals and collective healing for the betterment of ALL
Visionary Insights: Tap into visionary thinking, allowing insights about the future to guide your actions.
January 29th The Lunar New Year
The beginning of the Year of the Wood Snake. The Lunar New Year, also known as the Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, is a celebration that marks the beginning of a new year on the traditional lunisolar calendar. Unlike the Gregorian calendar, the Lunar New Year’s date varies each year but usually falls between January 21 and February 20. The holiday is celebrated in many East Asian countries, including China, Korea (Seollal), Vietnam (Tết), and others, each with unique cultural traditions.
The Lunar New Year Represents
New Beginnings: The Lunar New Year represents a fresh start, both in terms of the calendar and on a personal, familial, and communal level. It’s a time to let go of the past year's struggles and invite prosperity, health, and happiness.
Agricultural Roots: Historically, the festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of spring, coinciding with preparations for the new agricultural season.
Zodiac Symbolism: Each Lunar New Year is associated with one of the 12 Chinese zodiac animals and one of the five elements (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, Water). These combinations repeat every 60 years. For example, 2025 is the Year of the Wood Snake.
Family and Reunion: The holiday is deeply tied to themes of family unity and honoring ancestors. Many people return to their hometowns for large family gatherings.
Cleansing and Renewal:Leading up to the New Year, homes are cleaned to sweep away bad luck and make space for positive energy. Decorations like red banners and lanterns are put up to invite good fortune.
Red Decorations and Envelopes: Red is a symbol of luck, prosperity, and protection. Red envelopes (hongbao) containing money are gifted to children and unmarried adults to share blessings.
Food as Symbolism: Special dishes are prepared, each with symbolic meaning:
- Dumplings: Wealth (their shape resembles ancient Chinese gold ingots).
- Fish: Abundance.
- Noodles: Longevity.
Dragon and Lion Dances: Performances to scare away evil spirits and bring good luck.
Fireworks: The loud noises of fireworks are believed to chase away evil spirits, particularly the mythical creature Nian.
Connection to the Past: The Lunar New Year honors ancestors and the spiritual bond between generations.
Harmony with Nature: As a festival tied to the lunisolar calendar, it reflects a harmonious relationship with natural cycles.
Fortune and Destiny: The year’s zodiac animal and element influence individual fortunes. People consult astrologers and horoscopes to understand the year's opportunities and challenges.
Community and Unity: Beyond families, the celebration strengthens ties within communities and fosters a collective sense of renewal.
Insights for the Lunar New Year
The zodiac animal and element of the year shape the collective energy.
Snake: Wisdom, intuition, and transformation.
Wood: Growth, creativity, and compassion.
Year of the Wood Snake: In Chinese astrology, the Snake is associated with qualities such as wisdom, intuition, and elegance. The Wood element adds attributes of growth, creativity, and compassion. Therefore, the Year of the Wood Snake is anticipated to bring a blend of intellectual growth, creative pursuits, and a focus on personal development.
January 29: New Moon in Aquarius
Pay attention to the themes that come up with this new Moon, they could be present in your life for a long time as the Capricorn New Moon cycle ends and the Aquarius New Moon cycle begins. This is a time when we have the opportunity to solve problems that require thinking “outside of the box”, looking ahead and understanding we are the creators of our life experiences. We can embrace a brand new, positive, and hopeful vision, support others as well as receiving support, and expressing platonic love for those around us. It’s a time to give our emotions and passions a “break”, as we develop more objectivity and some detachment from past haunts. This cycle encourages us to connect with our social networks and appreciate the importance of our friendships and community. It also invites us to create some space between ourselves and our past, distancing from habits that have held us back and embracing progressive change. With the Aquarius energy at play, we are empowered to break free from old patterns and open ourselves to new possibilities. The New Moon’s alignment with Jupiter further enhances this energy, making it a time where we might feel especially aligned with the universe, seeing new beginnings as opportunities for growth and optimism. It’s a great moment to embrace the potential for positive change, especially in the context of relationships and personal transformation.
January 30 Uranus Direct
After a four-month retrograde, Uranus stations directly, opening the cosmic doors and ushering in more energy, direction, and intuitive “knowing” for our journey. Uranus, planet of change, revolution, evolution, and innovation, opens and changes whatever it touches. It breaks down structures so that new possibilities are planted, and it moves with the intention of liberation, freedom and personal and collective growth for us all.
Allow the higher consciousness, sharp intuition, and heightened awareness of Uranus to break open our relationships with security, finances, liberation, individuality, belonging, and freedom. It is bringing in a new way to relate to the earth and to the wisdom of our bodies, working in harmony with us to expand and increase our capacity to be our authentic selves.
January is a rich month for cultural, spiritual, and religious celebrations around the world. Here are some notable traditions and holidays:
Global Traditions
There are many global traditions and celebrations in January, being inclusive and taking time to learn and gain understanding in others traditions is beneficial as we move forward in a whole new world. There is infinite beauty, power and knowledge in our differences when we release all judgment. If we were all the same, had the same beliefs and traditions, what a boring place it would be.
New Year's Day (January 1)
- Where: Worldwide
- Significance: The first day of the Gregorian calendar year.
- Traditions: Fireworks, parties, resolutions for the new year, and symbolic rituals for luck and prosperity.
Epiphany / Three Kings’ Day (January 6)
- Where: Christian communities, particularly in Spain, Italy, and Latin America.
- Significance: Marks the visit of the Magi (Three Wise Men) to baby Jesus.
- Traditions: Gift-giving, special pastries (like the Rosca de Reyes), and parades.
Orthodox Christmas (January 7)
- Where: Eastern Orthodox Christian countries (Russia, Serbia, Ethiopia, etc.).
- Significance: Celebrates the birth of Jesus according to the Julian calendar.
- Traditions: Church services, fasting, feasting, and cultural rituals like "Kolyadki" caroling in Eastern Europe.
Makar Sankranti (January 14 or 15)
- Where: India and Nepal
- Significance: Hindu festival marking the sun's transition into Capricorn (Makara) and the end of the winter solstice.
- Traditions: Kite flying, feasting on sesame and jaggery sweets, and holy river dips.
Pongal (January 14–17)
- Where: Tamil Nadu, India
- Significance: A harvest festival dedicated to the Sun God.
- Traditions: Cooking Pongal (sweet rice dish), decorating homes with kolam (rangoli), and paying respect to cattle.
Orthodox New Year (January 14)
- Where: Eastern Orthodox communities
- Significance: The New Year according to the Julian calendar.
- Traditions: Low-key celebrations with family meals and church services.
Tu BiShvat (January 24–25 in 2025)
- Where: Jewish communities
- Significance: The "New Year for Trees," celebrating nature and the environment.
- Traditions: Planting trees, eating fruits associated with the Holy Land (figs, dates, olives), and environmental awareness.
Burns Night (January 25)
- Where: Scotland
- Significance: Honors the poet Robert Burns.
- Traditions: Reciting Burns’ poetry, eating haggis, and enjoying music and dancing.
Lunar New Year Preparations
- Where: East and Southeast Asia
- Significance: In anticipation of the Lunar New Year (January 29 in 2025), families clean homes, prepare traditional foods, and decorate with symbols of luck and prosperity.
Up Helly Aa (Last Tuesday in January)
- Where: Shetland Islands, Scotland
- Significance: A Viking fire festival celebrating Norse heritage.
- Traditions: Torch-lit processions, burning a Viking longship, and storytelling.
Timkat (January 19 or 20)
- Where: Ethiopia and Eritrean Orthodox Church
- Significance: Celebrates the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River.
- Traditions: Processions, water blessings, and vibrant communal celebrations.
Australia Day (January 26)
- Where: Australia
- Significance: Commemorates the arrival of the First Fleet in 1788.
- Traditions: Parades, barbecues, and cultural events (though it is also a day of protest for many Indigenous Australians).
Themes Across January Celebrations
- Renewal and New Beginnings: Many cultures celebrate the start of a new cycle, whether it’s the Gregorian calendar, the sun’s movement, or nature's rhythms.
- Community and Family: Most festivals emphasize togetherness and honoring traditions.
Spiritual Reflection: Many observances focus on gratitude, honoring the past, and setting intentions for the future.
Allison Shaw, Master Healer
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